Grass simply would not grow on the south lawn in front of the huge evergreen at our house. I've always loved flower gardens so I gave up the grass fight and turned that whole section of yard into a flower garden. I tore it all right up, which included the grass that was growing. Now I've got a yard with it's own mini-ecosystems and I'm truly at a loss at what to do.
I'd love to hear your suggestions on what I can do!

View from the street.

View from the front door.

My day lillies

Where I have the day lillies is where the grass did grow and now grows like weeds. I pull it and it just comes back. I've added more mulch and am trying to get ground cover to grow among the day lillies.

II pulled up a vine that a long ago previous owner had planted to trail up the lightpost. It did just that but then trailed along the ground and was choking out all my flowers. Now I'm left with an empty space I'm thinking of filling with spring flowers like tulips and poppies. Thoughts?

Snow in Winter doing lovely and spreading nicely.

I planted two small seedlings of Rudebekia, aka Black Eyed Susan, last year. They bloomed last year and this year have grown out nicely. No stems or bloom yet.

My lillies that were at one time star gazers, the white with the pink tip kind, but over the years they've separated into shades of pink.

Last fall I planted tiger lillies beside my other lillies. This is the only lily that hasn't bloomed yet. I keep hoping that this is a surviving tiger lily. Tiger lillies are my favorite because they were what my grandmother grew.

The lillies are growing wildly though across the yard in a patch of catmint.

Large patch of catmint the bees love - as do the neighborhood cats!

Various ground cover I'm trying to get to spread out

Blanket flowr in bloom!

Row of gladiolas in back with a frow of iris in front. The iris bloomed beautifully, but the gladiolas are worrying me. There were quite a few more last year and had stems by this time of year. No, I did not dig up and store the bulbs over the winter. I never have and they've always come up plentiful. I don't know what's happened this year.