Tricks with wine to keep baby secret

Posted by Misty Montano on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 In : Being Pregnant 
Dec. 24th

I'm wide awake again way earlier than normal. This time I forgo the internal argument and head straight to the bathroom to take test number two. This time I do it wide awake while never taking my eyes off the test. Sure enough the faint vertical line shows again making a positive sign, again.

I walk back into the bedroom holding the test and plop back down on the bed. "Well?" Shawn asks? "Positive. Again." I respond. I'm not as shocked yesterday but I still can't believe...
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Later the same day still in shock...

Posted by Misty Montano on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 In : Being Pregnant 

Dec. 23… later in the day. (What happened earlier in the day.)

I’m walking in a haze.  My eyes aren’t truly focusing unless I’m concentrating on something.  The voices and sounds around me jumble all together.

An hour later I’m walking around like nothing in my world has changed.  There is no thought of pregnancy swishing around in my head.  I’m functioning as if that plus sign had never happened.

Thirty minutes later I‘m in a haze again.

Back and forth like that I go.

My mom c...

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The voice in my head knew I was pregnant

Posted by Misty Montano on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 In : Being Pregnant 
I've written some blog entries since finding out I was pregnant, but haven't posted any until now. At first it was I simply couldn't post because we weren't telling anyone about baby until the end of the first trimester. Now I'm almost 15 weeks and everyone knows, but I've still been dealing with morning sickness, which has until recently been a 24-hour event for me. I've not had the brain power to post anything.  Then I had a medical issue (blog to come) and now currently a cold w/a...
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Embracing the female condition as I am pregnant!

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, February 11, 2010 In : Being Pregnant 

Today (Feb. 10) the Girl Scout Cookies I ordered were delivered. I look at the three boxes of goodness, one of which my all time favorite Thin Mints, and want to cry. No, I'm not on a diet or depressed. I'm PREGNANT! And I praise the heavens that Thin Mints freeze so nicely and will be waiting for me one day when I'm not sick.

As happy, excited, scared, anxious, exuberant, joyous, that I am, so far my first trimester - which is almost over as I'm 11 weeks - has been hard. I'm always naus...

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Put you in a chocolate coma hot chocolate recipe

Posted by Misty Montano on Monday, November 16, 2009 In : Home 
I am a dark chocolate lover. I don't like chocolate that is too sweet. So while my stepsons played outside on this snowy day I decided to make homemade hot chocolate.

Let me make this clear; I made up this recipe just today and my nine-year old actually thought it was too much chocolate! "Oh man there is way too much chocolate!" he exclaimed. The rest of us sipped it down in chocolate happiness and Dad also drank the mug that was "too much chocolate."

Chocolate coma hot chocolate (4 servings)...

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Drying Serrano pepper

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, September 10, 2009 In : Drying 

I picked almost all the Serrano peppers to dehydrate. They're so little to work with I find drying them is the easiest way to preserve them. When It's time to use them I crush them and toss them in whatever I'm making.

I have a Nesco Dehydrator that I use for everything from making jerky, to drying fruit, to making fruit roll ups. (Although now is the time my husband would object to tell you I am not telling you the truth. The truth is I haven't used the dehydrator in over a year and he just ...

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Freezing crushed Roma tomatoes from the garden

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, September 10, 2009 In : Freezing 
The tomato plants are coming back to life after the hail beat them down! Among the dead leaves these Romas are ripening nicely!

I decided there weren't enough tomatoes to go through the entire canning process. I chose to stew and crush the tomatoes and to freeze them.

I first peeled the tomatoes.

1. wash the tomatoes and make a tiny slit with a paring knife going under the skin slightly

2. put the tomatoes in boiling water for about 1 minute

3. remove the tomatoes from the boiling water and plung...
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Roasting peppers to freeze for use through the winter

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, September 10, 2009 In : Roasting 
I love growing an abundance of various peppers so I can can, freeze and dehydrate them for use through the winter. This week I picked an abundance of hot banana, sweet banana, mammoth jalepenos, big jim, poblano, and anaheim to roast and then freeze.

I love the smell of roasting peppers so I roasted them in the oven. I lined cookie sheets with aluminum foil for easy cleaning. Then I laid out all the washed peppers on the cookie sheets.

I roasted the pepper at 450 degrees for 20 minutes then fli...
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Canning resources, salsa recipes and advice

Posted by Misty Montano on Friday, August 21, 2009 In : Canning 

I am not one to strictly follow a recipe.  I rarely like to use true measurements.  I like to adjust as I go and learn along the way for what tastes best to me and my family.  I have learned that I don't have this liberty with canning.  There are acid levels and boiling times and more that need to be followed precisely to prevent spoilage.  I am not willing to let the hours of effort and work I put into canning go to waste just because I wanted to experiment!  (Not yet anyway.  Maybe some day...

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Canning roasted salsa

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, August 20, 2009 In : Canning 

I vividly remember the spicy dill pickles my Grandma Warburton canned every year.  I can taste the fake cinnamon apple rings my Grandma Baker canned every year.  I think I remember jams and a few other canned good, but nothing more specific than the make-me-pucker pickles and the zucchini  rings that were spiced and colored so you truly believed you were eating spiced apple rings at Christmas. 

Both of my grandmothers passed away in my early 20's.  I'm not sure why, but I was the grandchild c...

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About Me: No I'm not a mystic

I answer to many names Misty Lou, Misty Jean, Mistycal and even Extrafancy are just a few of the nicknames to which I answer. The most important names though are Wife, StepMom and Mom. With all these names it's sometimes hard to know who I am! This blog started as a Nebraska girl learning, trying, succeeding and failing at gardening in Colorado. Along the way in growing my garden, I grew my family too as I married a wonderful man and became StepMom to two precious Boys. Now our family grows more as we have a Baby Girl. So here is all of me as I share my family, home and garden. BTW my middle name is Jennifer; my name is Misty Jennifer Montano.