Showing Tag: " mom" (Show all posts)

Russian baked cheese and apple pie; finally I made the time

Posted by Misty Montano on Monday, February 13, 2012, In : In the kitchen 
Finally tonight, over two months later, I’ve been able to bake! It’s a recipe I’ve been wanting to do since Thanksgiving. My colleague Anastasiya posted in November about an apple cheese pie, a Russian recipe passed to her from her grandmother. Not only did she share the recipe with me, but she also bought me the Farmers Cheese, a Russian cheese only found in Russian or Arabic stores here in Denver.

I tried to make the time to try this simple recipe, but after a couple of weeks I realiz...
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No energy to cry

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, November 10, 2011, In : Home 
Crying has always been a release from me. More accurately it's been an automatic release that's often left me wondering, "why am I crying?" It's something I've never completely understood. I know my emotions and hormones play a part.

I don't break out in sobs and fits all the time in front of those around me. No, it's mostly private tears that just come and go. My tears are saved for those closest to me… usually. There have been a few extremely uncomfortable moments when I cried in front of...
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Posted by Misty Montano on Sunday, July 3, 2011, In : Home 

It's been 10 months since our baby girl was born.  I've written so little, even though time after time I said to myself, "I have got to share this moment!"  Yet, I rarely did.  So much in our lives has happened and writing just kept being pushed lower and lower on my to-do list. 

I took Squeak's to a friend's BBQ last weekend and for the first time I thought, "I feel good.  I am back."  I am trying to organize myself more and give myself actual writing goals.  I'm good at 140 character Twee...

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About Me: No I'm not a mystic

I answer to many names Misty Lou, Misty Jean, Mistycal and even Extrafancy are just a few of the nicknames to which I answer. The most important names though are Wife, StepMom and Mom. With all these names it's sometimes hard to know who I am! This blog started as a Nebraska girl learning, trying, succeeding and failing at gardening in Colorado. Along the way in growing my garden, I grew my family too as I married a wonderful man and became StepMom to two precious Boys. Now our family grows more as we have a Baby Girl. So here is all of me as I share my family, home and garden. BTW my middle name is Jennifer; my name is Misty Jennifer Montano.