I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Lorraine Smith at TEDxPoynter. She’s a 75 year old woman who came to the event at the Poynter Institute because she thinks journalism today should be better. “Well, I feel I’m not getting all the facts and am surprised at the lack of reporting, so I thought I should start writing and so I did. I’m here to learn. I have to start a blog and a twitter,” she said.
I admire her gumption! She is writing columns for local newspapers. She knows she needs to have a social web presence and came to learn.
I never want to stop learning and exploring. I have realized that I must get myself out of my normal surrounding for true exploration to happen. While most every topic covered here at TEDxPoynter is something I already know or try to practice, the conversation happening around the topics is what is new. I felt a chord being tugged in my to turn on a light bulb several times today.
Aahhh, how refreshing!
Learning and exploration happens by doing:
Definitely a quote to live by!