Misty Montano is the Digital Content Manager for 9NEWS in Denver, Colorado. She is a journalist who supports and teaches others to use and develop social media communities. Montano works to create social TV where TV, digital and social all work together to engage the 9NEWS journalists with the audience. She previously was Assignment Editor at KCNC-TV and received her B.A. in Media Communication from Hastings College.
"I love my hubby, Shawn Montano, our kids, NASA & wine! "My fancy title means I get to play in social, digital and mobile space all day long."
She has been awarded two Regional Emmy awards in the Heartland Chapter of NATAS. First in 2007 for her work as an Assignment Editor at CBS4 News where she spent more than 10 years on the news desk. The second award, in 2013, recognized her work in Social TV.
Misty speaks locally and nationally on the use of social media as a journalist and for businesses.
She admits social media can be overwhelming with constant information and access. One tip she gives to anyone who asks about using social media is, "The beauty of it all is that social media can be used how you choose. Make them work for you. Know why you're on them and what you want out of them. Then set flexible plans to achieve your goals."
Misty is a native of Nebraska whose blood still runs Husker Red even though she's been in Colorado for over 10 years. "In sharing who I am through social media I let everyone know that I am a wife, step-mom, mom, journalist and Husker! I just ask that on game day we agree to disagree, while still being friends," she says.
Interviews, articles, and blog mentions:
Thought Leader featured in the book "Social Media Communication: Concepts, Practices, Data, Law and Ethics" by Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
PRSA Colorado's Media Roundtable
Newsflash: Social Media for Journalists by Shelly Kramer
The most important thing PR people need to know about media in 2010 by PRSA Colorado
Glimmers of Hope by Tara Anderson
Social Media Strategy by Lori Todd
The night the newspaper officially died... by Brian England
Twitter Brings viewers and News Together by me, written for PRSA Colorado
Interview: Mainstream Media Using Twitter by Billy Nab
Twitter surprised me today, it just might be my community newspaper by Luke Wignall
A new directive for news directors by Joanne Ostrow of the Denver Post

Emmy award winning journalist who works effectively under the pressure of daily and breaking news and understands the needs of all personnel in the newsroom to get multiple newscast on the air.
Knowledgeable broadcast television journalist with experience and understanding of the inner workings of a newsroom and how to pursue and cover the news on a local, statewide and national level.
Skillful social media journalist and teacher bringing transparency, interaction, advocacy and accountability to the news station; and guiding fellow journalists on the use of social media platforms to achieve a goal.
Guest Speaker
Speaker at National Fire Protection Agency, NFPA, 2015 Conference & Expo
Presenter at Fire, Life, Safety Educators Conference of the Rockies in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention, April 2015
Keynote Speaker at Nebraska Collegiate Media Association's 2011 Annual Golden Leaf Award's Ceremony and Conference, Hastings College, April '11
Presenter at Omaha 10-10-10, The New News: Social Media and Back Pack Journalism, at University of Nebraska at Omaha, October '10
"Going Rogue" Presented at Chicks Who Click Conference, January '10
Presenter at National Press Photographer’s Association June ’09 National Conference on using Social Media
Panel Member at Mile High Social Media Club May event “Social and Traditional Media & the New PR“ May '09